23 Desember 2008

DEEP SEFT® by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin - The Founder of SEFT - LoGOS Institute

DEEP SEFT® by Ahamad Faiz Zainuddin,

the Founder of SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique),

LoGOS Institute Indonesia


1. Get Connected - LoGOS Relaxation (R)

:: Langkah-Langkah

  1. Sambil tersenyum, pejamkan mata, sadarilah nafas Anda.
  2. Ucapkan dalam hati “Allah” “ﷲ” (atau apapun “PowerWord” anda) dalam tiap nafas Anda.
  3. Rasakan Cinta Kasih & Semua Anugerah-Nya pada Anda.
  4. Sampaikan Rasa Cinta & Syukur anda Pada-Nya.
  5. Kirimkan Energy Cinta & Syukur itu pada diri Anda sendiri dan semua orang.

:: Saran Pemakaian

Lakukan LoGOS Relaxation (R) selama 20 menit, 2 kali sehari. Dengan nafas seperti ini, Saat menarik nafas, bayangkan anda sedang menyerap energy ilahi ke dalam diri anda, saat menghembuskan nafas, anda sedang memancarkan energy ilahi ke lingkungan anda. Maka diri anda menjadi media Allah untuk menebar manfaat untuk umat manusia, “rahmatan lil ‘alamin” dan sebagai bonus, anda akan merasakan kedamaian hati dan kebahagiaan.

2. Get Clear - Gambaran Yang Jelas

:: Langkah
Tuliskan Apa Yang Benar-Benar Anda Inginkan.
:: Saran Pemakaian
Pastikan Jika Keinginan (Visi) Anda tercapai Akan Benar-Benar Membuat Anda dan Semua Orang Bahagia

3. Set Up
Kalimat “Set Up”
Yaa Tuhan, telah begitu banyak karunia yang Kau berikan padaKu hingga aku tidak sanggup menghitungnnya dan kini kau Karunia Aku Visi Ini,
untuk itu Aku bersyukur pada-Mu,
aku Mohon Bimbingan-Mu dan Keridhoan-Mu

4. Tune In

Bayangkan/Visualisasikan sejelas mungkin apa yang anda inginkan seakan-akan sudah tercapai SEKARANG. Rasakan Emosi Positif Sekuat Mungkin.

5. Instal

  1. Touch & Breath di 9 Titik SEFT.
  2. Tekan sambil terus bayangkan Visi anda, seraya ucapkan; "Yaa Allah Aku Bersyukur Pada-Mu, Mohon Bimbingan dan Keridhoan-Mu",
  3. Tarik nafas Panjang, Lepas Nafas Pelan-Pelan sambil Ucapkan, "Alhamdulillaaah..."

6. Stay Connected - LoGOS Centered Activity

“Sadari” apapun aktivitas Anda sebagai “Persembahan untuk Tuhan”. Ucapkan dalam hati:
“ﷲ” dalam tiap degupan jantung Anda. Tekadkan mulai saat ini, apapun yang kita lakukan,
Fikirkan dan rasakan adalah untuk mendekatkan diri pada Tuhan (loving GOD), memberi manfaat sebesar-besarnya pada sebanyak mungkin makhluk Tuhan (blessing others) dan untuk menjadi lebih baik setiap hari di tujuh dimensi (self improvement), serta melakukannya dengan kegembiraan (LoGOS Joyfully), hingga kita minta dalam kondisi yang terbaik, khusnul khatimah dalam pelukan cintaNya.
Dengan niat dan kesadaran seperti ini, semua aktivitas anda adalah ekspresi cinta pada-Nya, bernilai ibadah dan menjadi berkah buat sesama dan sekali lagi, sebagai bonus, anda akan merasakan kedamaian hati dan kebahagiaan. Esensi sikap “God Centered Activity” ini diekspresikan dengan sangat indah oleh mother Theresa dalam puisinya, “It is Between You and God”. (silahkan simak di buku SEFT di bagian “Catatan Akhir”).

:: Free Class 4 (empat) jam SETIAP HARI MINGGU, daftar disini ::

On Children… By Kahlil Gibran in “The Prophet”

On Children…
By Kahlil Gibran in “The Prophet”
(The Vision About SEFT for Children and
Five formula For Funtastic Family
by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin)


Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.

Let our bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable.

-0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-

On Children…
By Kahlil Gibran in “The Prophet”
(The Vision About SEFT for Children and
Five formula For Funtastic Family
by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin)

Anakmu bukanlah milikmu. Mereka adalah putra-putri kehidupan.

Mereka terlahir melaluimu, tetapi bukan berasal darimu,
karena itu mereka ada bersamamu tapi bukanlah milikmu.

Engkau harus memberi mereka cintamu, tetapi bukan pemikiranmu,
karena mereka punya pemikiran mereka sendiri

Engkau bisa memberikan rumah untuk tubuh mereka, tetapi tidak untuk jiwanya. Karena jiwa mereka akan tinggal di rumah masa depan, yang tidak bisa kau kunjungi, bahkan dalam mimpimu sekalipun.

Engkau boleh mencoba meniru mereka, tapi jangan memaksa mereka menirumu,
karena kehidupan tidak pernah berjalan mundur, tidak pula akan terulang.

Engkau adalah busur panah, yang darinya anak-anakmu akan meluncur ke depan.
Sang Pemanah menarikmu dengan keagungan-Nya agar anak panah bisa melesat jauh menuju keabadian.

The Scientific Foundation of Surrogate SEFT® by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin from LoGOS Institute Indonesia

The Scientific Foundation
of Surrogate SEFT® by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin from LoGOS Institute Indonesia.
Dasar Ilmiah dari SEFT Jarak Jauh, Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart

Sudah ada 6 (enam) Intention Experiment yang telah dilakukan sejauh ini, dengan hasil-hasil yang sangat luar biasa. Kami sudah membuktikan the power of intention itu dapat mempengaruhi segalanya, dari ganggang, daun-daun, sampai manusia.

Living Lights
Semua percobaan-percobaan awal kami dirancang dan dilaksanakan oleh Dr. Fritz Albert Popp pada International Institute Biophysics di Neuss, Jerman dan Dr. Gary Schwartz di Laboratorium Universitas Arizona. Eksperimen kami yang pertama, menguji perubahan cahaya yang terjadi pada makhluk hidup. Kami sebut cahaya itu dengan biofoton emmision. Popp mempunyai sejumlah detektor-detektor photocount sangat sensitif dan Dr. Schwartz menggunakan kamera-kamera CCD. Keduanya mampu mencatat, bahkan perubahan sekecil apapun yang keluar dari objek percobaan. Peralatan ultrasensitive jenis ini akan memungkinkan kami untuk merekam setiap perubahan–bahkan oleh suatu foton –dengan demikian menentukan tingkat pengaruh dari niat.

Jade Plants, Algae and Human beings
Untuk pilot project eksperimen kami, 15 orang di laboratorium London diminta untuk mengirimkan niat positif kepada empat target pada laboratorium Popp di Jerman: dua jenis dari ganggang, satu tanaman Jade dan satu sukarelawan manusia.
Di dalam rancangan percobaan kami, kami menggunakan teknik on off-on off, sehingga kami bisa mengisolasikan setiap perubahan-perubahan yang mungkin terjadi. Kelompok eksperimen ini mengirim “niat” dalam pola waktu tertentu: 10 menit “ON”, lalu 10 menit “OFF” selama beberapa jam. Jika eksperimen kami berhasil, maka pada grafik akan tampak pola zigzag. Dan setelah menganalisis data penelitian, Popp menemukan bahwa eksperimen ini berhasil.

Daun Kecil yang Bercahaya
Pada bulan Maret dan April 2007, kami memulai sebuah percobaan “niat” dalam skala yang lebih besar. Kami mengadakan percobaan, dengan Dr. Schwartz dari Universitas Arizona. Tidak seperti eksperimen kami dengan Dr. Popp, kami memutuskan untuk memilih satu target saja.
Eksperimen kami yang pertama dilaksanakan pada sebuah Konferensi di London pada tanggal 11 Maret, di mana 400 peserta mengirimkan niat untuk membuat sebuah daun, di Universitas Arizona, “bercahaya”. Hasil dari percobaan ini dianalisis melalui foto-foto yang diambil menggunakan kamera CCD ultrasensitif. Dan ternyata daun itu benar-benar “bercahaya”.

Glowing Seeds, too
Di April 14, 2007, kami menjalankan eksperimen berikutnya dengan berbasis web. Sekarang targetnya adalah benih-benih stringbean. Kali ini partisipannya terdiri dari 7000 peserta dari 30 negara-negara di seluruh dunia. Tujuannya sama, yaitu membuat benih-benih stringbean “bercahaya”. Namun kali ini, partisipan dapat melihat objeknya dengan menggunakan webcam.

Hasilnya; tidak mengejutkan. Stringbeans tersebut bercahaya setelah 10 menit diberikan niat.

PK. 10.00 - 15:00 WIB
INFORMASI HUB. 0818991915

18 Desember 2008

5 PRINCIPLES TO BE LUCKY YOU? by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin, The Founder of SEFT and LoGOS Institute


Inspired by The 8 Years Research of Dr. Richard Wiseman
Enriched by Inspirational Work of Dr. Wayne Dyer
Perfected by The LoGOS Spirit
Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin

What is Luck?

Apakah yang dimaksud dengan “keberuntungan”? Keberuntungan menurut Dr. Richard Wiseman, “chance events tend to work out consistently in their favor”, atau "kebetulan yang terjadi secara konsisten untuk mendukung kita.", seperti:
  • Being in the right place on the right time (berada di tempat yang tepat di saat yang tepat).
  • Accidentally meet the right people who can help them in someway (tanpa sengaja bertemu orang-orang yang dapat menolong saat kita membutuhkan.
  • Seemingly the universe help them to make a Good Decision & Achieve Their Goals (Tuhan dan seluruh makhluknya menolong untuk membuat keputusan-keputusan yang tepat).
The 5 Principles to Increase Your Luck

1. The Personality : Create, Notice & Act upon Opportunities
(Kepribadian: menciptakan, menyadari dan bertindak setiap ada kesempatan)
  • People oriented; membangun & memelihara jejaring keberuntungan.
  • Easy Going; bersikap “sersan”, serius tapi santai terhadap kehidupan.
  • Open minded; berpikiran terbuka pada hal-hal baru, orang-orang baru dan pengalaman-pengalaman baru.

2. The Decision Making : Based on Inspiration (rather than motivation)
Pengambilan keputusan: berdasarkan inspirasi daripada motivasi
  • Close Connection to The Source of Luck; menjalin hubungan yang erat dengan sumber keberuntungan (Tuhan)
  • Listen to their Intuition; selalu mendengarkan intuisi
  • Improve their intuition accuracy trough Meditation & Prayer; meningkatkan ketajaman intuisi dengan meditasi dan berdoa.

3. The Expectation : Powerful Positive Intention
Harapan: Selalu berfikiran positif terhadap segala sesuatu.
  • Always Expect Good Luck (Positive Toward God, Others & Situation); Selalu mengharap hasil yang baik (positif terhadap Tuhan, orang lain dan situasi)
  • Always Optimist & Perseverance; selalu optomis dan tekun.
  • Mengikuti hukum The Law of Attraction = Ask =>Believe => Receive

4. The Attitude : Turn Bad Luck into Good luck
Sikap: merubah kesialan menjadi keberuntungan. Selalu melihat sisi positif dari kesialan, karena;
  • Short term ill fortune = long term good fortune; musibah jangka pendek = berkah jangka panjang.
  • Do not dwell on their ill fortune; jangan terus menerus meratapi nasib malang
  • Take constructive steps to prevent more bad luck in the future; ambil langkah-langkah bersifat membangun untuk mencegah lebih banyak nasib malang di masa datang.

5. The Core Spirit : LoGOS Joyfully
  • The Core message of every religion; pesan utama dari setiap agama besar
  • The Core Quality of Every Great individuals; kualitas inti dari setiap tokoh besar
  • The Most Admired Character of Your Ideal Person; karakter yang paling Anda kagumi dari idola Anda.

PK. 10.00 - 15:00 WIB
HUB. 0818991915 atau 021-86605151 atau 021- 93809731 (after office hour)

SEFT® FOR CHILDREN by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin, The Founder of SEFT

By Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
The Founder of SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique)

“In every child who is born,
there is a new hope for humankind”

Dalam diri setiap anak yang terlahir ke dunia, ada harapan baru
bagi masa depan umat manusia

A Must Procedure for Children

Setiap malam menjelang tidur, orang tua meminta anaknya bercerita,
“Dapatkah kamu ceritakan pada ayah/ibu, apa yang kamu pikirkan/alami (baik/buruk) hari ini ?”
Saat anak bercerita, Lakukan “tapping”.

Mengapa Perlu Tapping Tiap Hari untuk Anak?
  • Emotional Cleansing (membersihkan sampah-sampah emosi sebelum mengendap di alam bawah sadar)
  • Hati seorang anak seperti kertas putih & suci; kejadian, pikiran dan perasaan tiap hari “mewarnai” hati & jiwanya.
  • Hati seorang anak menyerap semua kejadian & pengalaman dengan sangat cepat & tersimpan dengan sangat rapat, dibawa hingga dewasa.
  • Dengan tapping, kita membersihkan “warna-warna” kelam dari hatinya sehingga anak lebih bahagia & berprestasi.
  • Jika semua “sampah emosi” ini tidak dibersihkan, akan menghambat perkembangannya, kebahagiaan & prestasi hidupnya.
  • Contoh hal-hal negatif yang mungkin tersimpan Hhngga mewarnai kepribadian anak saat dewasa, seperti;
  • Ayah membuat saya takut saat dia berteriak & membentak saya
  • Saya melihat orang berbunuh-bunuhan di televisi
  • Saya belihat BF sama teman saya, dan terus terbayang-bayang
  • Guru saya menganggap saya bodoh
  • Anisah lebih cantik dari saya
  • Saya tidak bisa berlari secepat Joko
  • Peran orang tua & guru adalah untuk membuang semua “sampah emosi” dari pikiran & hati anak dengan SEFT (preventif).
  • Emotional Bounding (memperkuat ikatan emosi antara orang tua dan anak); SEFT juga dapat mengakrabkan hubungan orang tua, anak atau guru-murid, karena anak-anak suka “disentuh” dengan lembut dan “didengar” ceritanya.
  • Understanding & Anticipation (memahami & mengantisipasi); orang tua lebih memahami “masalah” anak-anak, dan dapat mengatasi masalah itu sebelum menjadi krisis (penyalahgunaan obat terlarang, hamil, bunuh diri, dsb).
  • SEFT for Baby
Saat bayi merengek atau menangis tanpa sebab atau berlebihan. Orang tuanya yang berdo’a (set-up & tune-in) serta tapping untuk sang bayi.
SEFT juga untuk Pengalaman Positif

Saat anak menceritakan pengalaman positif, biasanya Juga terselip pengalaman negatif yang tersembunyi.

Pak Andi memuji saya di depan kelas. (tapi ia juga mengejek Budi di depan kelas, saya takut satu hari nanti beliau juga mempermalukan saya di depan kelas)
Beberapa Prinsip Penting Tentang Mendidik Anak
  • Dengarkan lebih banyak, nasehati lebih sedikit, jika kita telah banyak memberikan contoh positif, kita hanya perlu sedikit menasehati
  • Jangan menasehati jika tidak diminta, fokuskan untuk mendengar dan berempati.
  • Jangan takut anak anda tidak mau mendengar anda, tapi takutlah bahwa anak anda selalu melihat perbuatan anda.
  • Jangan mengulang-ulang otobiografi kita dengan tujuan agar mereka mengikuti kita.
  • Pisahkan antara orang dan perbuatannya. Marahi perbuatannya, sayangi orangnya.
  • Comparison is dangerous. Jangan pernah membanding-bandingkan anak dengan saudaranya, temannya, atau siapapun. Karena ini mengancam harga diri anak.

THE TRIO FOR TRAUMA by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin From LoGOS Institute

THE TRIO FOR TRAUMA by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin From LoGOS Institute

1. The Movie Technique - Teknik Pembayangan
Proses dimana penderita “Membayangkan” secara rinci & jelas “film” yang memutar kejadian traumatis yang pernah dialami

Kelebihan The Movie Technique
• Memungkinkan penyembuhan yang lembut & nyaman
• Secara otomatis mengantarkan penderita untuk “being specific”
• Penderita tidak perlu menceritakan masalahnya (privasi terjaga)

Jika kejadian traumatis itu sebuah film, maka,
• Memiliki awal & akhir spesifik
• Memiliki judul spesifik
• Durasi spesifik
• Para pemain spesifik dengan “kata” & “tindakan” spesifik
• Menimbulkan perasaan spesifik

Langkah -Langkah The Movie Technique
1. Jika kejadian itu sebuah film, berapa durasinya ? (3-10 menit)
2. Apa judul film itu ? (aktor, kejadian, waktu yang spesifik)
3. Bayangkan film-nya, apa yang anda rasakan? Berapa intensitasnya?
4. Lakukan beberapa putaran tapping sambil membayangkan filmnya…
5. Ceritakan secara verbal kejadiannya…
6. Gunakan SEFT setiap ada peningkatan intensitas emosi…

2. Tell The Story Technique - Teknik Bercerita
Proses dimana penderita “Menceritakan secara rinci & jelas” kejadian traumatis yang pernah dialami

Keuntungan Tell The Story Technique
• Mudah dilakukan & lebih tuntas (dibanding dengan movie technique).
• Secara otomatis dapat mengungkap aspek-aspek tersembunyi atau “akar” masalah penderita (tidak perlu banyak bertanya).
• Dapat digunakan sebagai proses terapi, sekaligus “menguji” keberhasilan terapi.

Langkah-Langkah Tell The Story Technique
1. Ceritakan “kejadian” spesifik yang membuat Anda trauma, sedih, marah, dsb.
2. Jika ini terlalu menyakitkan, “go global”; atau ceritakan secara umum kejadiannya.
3. Berhenti & tapping kapanpun saat merasakan intensitas emosi.
• Perhatikan tanda-tanda ada aspek yang muncul.
• Isyarat munculnya “akar” masalah.
• Sehingga tidak perlu menjadi “detektif” pencari “aspects” & “core” problems.
• Tidak perlu bersikap “berani” atau ‘sok tabah”.
4. Ulangi ceritanya sambil tapping sampai tidak ada intensitas emosi saat bercerita.
5. Bayangkan dengan jelas seluruh kejadiannya & cobalah untuk mendramatisir (memancing emosi negatif). Lakukan tapping lagi jika masih ada sisa emosi negatif.
6. Tes Terakhir: Hadapilah objek trauma Anda seperti; kunjungi tempatnya, peganglah bendanya, datangi orangnya, dsb.

3. Tearless Trauma Technique - Teknik Trauma Tanpa Air Mata
Proses dimana penderita “menebak” intensitas emosi yang akan dia rasakan jika membayangkan peristiwa traumatis yang pernah ia alami. Disebut juga teknik “Peace Without Pain”.

Keuntungan Tearless Trauma Technique
• Dapat dilakukan secara berkelompok atau perseorangan
• Sangat nyaman dan lembut, khususnya bagi mereka yang mengalami trauma berat, yang bahkan membayangkan lagi peristiwa traumatisnya sudah sangat takut.

Langkah-Langkah The Tearless trauma Technique :
1. Tanyakan pada penderita untuk mengingat kembali trauma spesifik yang pernah mereka alami.
  • Pastikan peristiwanya spesifik ( misalnya: “ayah menampar saya di depan teman saya saat umur saya 10 tahun” adalah lebih spesifik disbanding “ayah sering memukul saya”)
  • • pastikan penderita tidak shifting aspect, tetap pada satu peristiwa spesifik, tidak bergeser ke peristiwa lain
2. Mintalah penderita untuk menebak berapa intensitas emosi yang dia akan alami (1-10) jika mereka mengingat kembali peristiwa itu secara detail dan jelas. Jadi penderita tidak diminta untuk sungguh-sungguh membayangkan peristiwa traumatisnya.
3. Mintalah penderita untuk membuat satu judul untuk traumanya, misalnya “marah saat ditampar ayah”, lalu lakukan SEFT dengan kalimat set-up sama dengan judul trauma yang telah dibuat
4. Mintalah penderita untuk menebak kembali intensitas emosinya. Biasanya sudah turun. Lakukan beberapa putaran (biasanya setelah 3 – 4 putaran intensitas emosi penderita tingggal 0 – 3)
5. Hanya setelah intensitas peserta turun jadi 0 – 2, bisa anda lanjutkan dengan meminta mereka sekali lagi melakukan satu putaran SEFT, dan setelah itu membayangkan peristiwa traumatisnya.


by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
For SEFT Total Solution Training - LoGOS Institute - Indonesia

Real phobia cure adalah proses di mana penderita “dihadapkan langsung” dengan objek yang ditakutinya dan dilakukan SEFT hingga tuntas.

Kelebihan The Real Phobia Cure
• Memungkinkan penyembuhan secara nyata dan langsung terbukti.
• Memiliki efek demonstratif baik pada penderita maupun audiences. Artinya, kesembuhan dapat dibuktikan secara nyata.

Langkah-Langkah The Real Phobia Cure
1. Tanyakan pada penderita objek apa yang ia sangat takuti (phobia).
2. Jika tingkat phobia terlalu tinggi, mulai dengan membayangkan objek phobia dulu, atau memandang “gambar objek phobia”. Lakukan SEFT sambil penderita membayangkan, atau melihat gambar objek phobia.
3. Jika tingkat phobia tidak terlalu tinggi, langsung hadapkan objek phobia yang sesungguhnya dihadapan penderita (mulai dari jarak jauh kemudian pelan-pelan dekatkan pada penderita) sambil lakukan SEFT.
4. Lakukan SEFT beberapa putaran sampai penderita merasa nyaman berada di dekat objek phobia, lakukan SEFT lagi sampai penderita berani memegangnya. Atau sampai sejauh mana penderita ingin dekat dengan objek phobia.
5. Lakukan SEFT lagi untuk kemungkinan aspek yang akan timbul (jika objek bergerak, jika objek mengeluarkan suara, dsb).

3 POSITIVE EFFECT OF SEFT® by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin

By Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin,
The Founder of SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique)
For LoGOS Institute - SEFT Total Solution Training

1. The Generalization Effect (Efek Generalisasi)
  • fisik-fisik.
  • fisik-emosi.
  • emosi-fisik.
  • emosi-emosi.
2. Cognitive Believe Shift (Perubahan Kepercayaan)
  • As Spiritual Being, We Have Very Powerful Unlimited Potential; (sebagai makhluk spiritual kita sebenarnya memiliki potensi yang tiada batas).
  • Healing Can Happen Instantly; (kesembuhan dapat terjadi secara instan).
  • Without God, Nothing Possible; With God, Nothing Impossible; (tanpa melibatkan Tuhan tidak ada yang mungkin; dengan melibatkan Tuhan, tidak ada yang tidak mungkin).
  • Healing is Done NOT BY US, But Trough Us; (penyembuhan bukan dilakukan oleh kita namun hanya melalui kita).
  • Nothing to Worry about, everything in the God’s Hand; (tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan, semuanya ada dalam genggaman Tuhan).
3. Spiritual Enrichment (Meningkatkan Kekayaan Spiritual)
  • from Word Oriented to Heart Oriented (dari apa yang terucap ke apa yang kita niatkan).
  • from Arrogance to Humbleness (dari kesombongan ke rendah hati).


by Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin,
The Founder of SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique)
For LoGOS Institute - Indonesia
  1. Whole Hearted - Sepenuh Hati
  2. Humble - Rendah Hati
  3. Pure Intention - Memurnikan Niat
  4. Hopeful - Penuh Harap
  5. Faithful - Penuh Keyakinan
  6. Consentration - Khusyu’
  7. Acceptance -Ikhlas
  8. Surrender - Pasrah
  9. Grateful - Syukur
  10. Patience & Persistance - Sabar & Istiqomah


By Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
The Founder of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique
For LoGOS Institute - Indonesia

“Practice Makes Perfect”
“Repetition is the mother of skills”

Latihan adalah jalan menuju kesempurnaan
Pengulangan adalah ibu dari ketrampilan

  1. Try it on Everything - Coba SEFT untuk semua hal
  2. Be Presistence - Jangan mudah menyerah
  3. Handling Excessive Intensity - Berlatihlah untuk menghadapi masalah yang mungkin timbul
  4. Testing Your Work - Ukurlah keahlian Anda
  5. Improving Spiritual Power - Tingkatkan kapasitas spiritualitas Anda


By Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
The Founder of SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique)
For LoGOS Institute - SEFT Total solution Training

“A comprehensive approach to pain relief and health in general which includes spiritual healing will greatly help the progress of modern medicine”

Pendekatan konprehensif untuk penyakit dan kesehatan secara umum termasuk diantaranya model penyembuhan spiritual akan membantu perkembangan kesehatan modern.

1.Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, MD, pada “Spiritual Healing in the Islamic Tradition : Harvard Healing Lecture” mengatakan bahwa tujuan dari rasa sakit adalah:
Warning Bell (Bel Peringatan)

Penyakit atau rasa sakit adalah bel peringatan dari tubuh kita bahwa;
• Ada yang salah dengan diri kita, entah itu pola makan, atau yang lainnya
• Peringatan untuk mengkoreksi keadaan dan berbuat sesuatu tentang hal-hal yang salah dalam hidup kita.

2. Mengajarkan pada kita untuk meminta tolong dan menyembuhkan.
Says, “You are not listening to your whole self.”
Anda tidak mendengarkan seluruh tubuh Anda.

3. Solusinya; be “Holistic Person”
Eduction of The Soul and to The Function of Spirit and Body’s energy
Pendidikan jiwa untuk memahami fungsi dari spirit dan energi tubuh

Jadi kita perlu bertanya?
"What does this illness & pain mean to us?”,
apa arti penyakit atau rasa sakit ini untuk kita?"

Three Generation of Medicine

Three Generation of Medicine
By ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
The Founder of SEFT (Spiritual emotional Freedom Technique)
For LoGOS Institute - SEFT Total Solution

Era-1 : Body centered medicine
Era-2 : The importance of Mind-Body connection in Medicine
Era-3 : Thoughts, attitudes, prayer and healing intentions of one individual can influence
the physiology of another person

“doa dan spiritualitas, terbukti dalam penelitian ilmiah, ternyata memiliki kekuatan yang sama besar dengan pengobatan dan pembedahan”
(Larry Dossey, MD)

The Healing Words:
The Power of Prayer and Practice of Medicine
Book by Larry Dossey,MD

Sejak dipublikasikan pada tahun 1994, satu mata kuliah baru “The Role of Prayer & Religiosity in Medicine” diajarkan di 80 universitas di Amerika

Why Spiritual?

Why Spiritual ?
By Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
The Founder & Master Trainer SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique)
For LoGOS Institute - SEFT Total Solution Training

“As a person reaches advanced levels of spiritual maturity,
extraordinary capacities begin to blossom”

“Di saat kita mencapai kematangan spiritual tingkat tinggi,
maka mulai muncul kemampuan luarbiasa dalam diri kita”
The Science of “Spirituality”

Ada sekitar 500 penelitian tentang doa yang diidentifikasi oleh Office of Prayer Research (USA). Empat belas penelitian yang dianggap paling penting:
  1. Astin, J.A., et al. (2000). The Efficacy of “Distant Healing”: A Systematic Review of Randomized Trials.
  2. Byrd, R.C. (1988). Positive Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer in a Coronary Care Unit Population.
  3. Chibnall, J.T. (2001). Experiments on Distant Intercessory Prayer: God, Science, and the Lesson of Massah.
  4. Dusek, J.A., et al. (2002). Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP): Study Design and Research Methods.
  5. Galton, F. (1872). Statistical Inquiries into the Efficacy of Prayer.
  6. Harris, W.S., et al. (1999). A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Effects of Remote Intercessory Prayer on Outcomes in Patients Admitted to the Coronary Care Unit.
  7. Koenig, H.G., et al. (1999). Does Religious Attendance Prolong Survival? A Six Year Follow-Up Study of 3,968 Older Adults.
  8. Koenig, H.G., et al. (1988). The Use of Religion and Other Emotion-Regulating Coping Strategies Among Older Adults.
  9. Krucoff, M.W., et al. (2001). Integrative Noetic Therapies as Adjuncts to Percutaneous Intervention During Unstable Coronary Syndromes: Monitoring and Actualization of Noetic Training (MANTRA) Feasibility Pilot.
  10. Levin, J.S. (1994). Religion and Health: Is There an Association, Is It Valid, and Is It Causal?
  11. Matthews, D.A., et al. (1998). Religious Commitment and Health Status: A Review of the Research and Implications for Family Medicine.
  12. O’Laoire, S. (1997). An Experimental Study of the Effects of Distant, Intercessory Prayer on Self-Esteem, Anxiety, and Depression.
  13. Pargament, K.I., et al. (2001). Religious Struggle as a Predictor of Mortality Among Medically Ill Elderly Patients: A 2-Year Longitudinal Study.
  14. Poloma, M.M., & Pendleton, B.F. (1991). The Effects of Prayer and Prayer Experiences on Measures of General Well-Being.

Salah satu penelitian pertama paling kredibel tentang peran do’a terhadap penyembuhan adalah yang dilakukan oleh Randolph Byrd, “Does Prayer Have An Impact on Health”, (1988).

• Dilakukan Selama 10 bulan (Agustus 1982 sampai dengan Mei 1983)
• Focus pada efek intercessory prayer (doa jarak jauh)
• Metode penelitian adalah prospective, randomized, double blind study (dilakukan dari jarak jauh, pasien yg didoakan tidak tahu jika didoakan, pasien, perawat, dokter dan peneliti tidak saling kenal).
• Sample adalah 393 pasien sakit jantung
• Hasil yaitu Pasien yang didoakan;
o lebih jarang terkena congestive heart failure
o membutuhkan lebih sedikit obat dan antibiotik,
o lebih sedikit episode pneumonia,
o lebih sedikit serangan jantung,
o dan lebih jarang dilakukan intubated dan ventilated.
• Kesimpulan
Doa berefek positif pada penyembuhan & kesehatan

Three Generation of Medicine
By Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin - The SEFT Founder.

Era-1 : Body centered medicine
Era-2 : The importance of Mind-Body connection in Medicine
Era-3 : Thoughts, attitudes, prayer and healing intentions of one individual can influence
the physiology of another person

“doa dan spiritualitas, terbukti dalam penelitian ilmiah, ternyata memiliki kekuatan yang sama besar dengan pengobatan dan pembedahan”
(Larry Dossey, MD)

The Healing Words:
The Power of Prayer and Practice of Medicine
Book by Larry Dossey,MD

Sejak dipublikasikan pada tahun 1994,
satu mata kuliah baru “The Role of Prayer & Religiosity in Medicine”
diajarkan di 80 universitas di Amerika

18 November 2008

Mengapa Menggunakan Pendekatan Energy Therapy ?

"The Cause of all negative emotions is the distruption of body's energy system" - Penyebab segala macam emosi negatif adalah terganggungya system energi tubuh.


SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION OF SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique)

14 Teknik Terapi dalam SEFT
By Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
The Founder of SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique)
For LoGOS Institute - SEFT Total Solution Training

  1. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) : Refreming, Anchoring, Breaking the Pattern.
  2. Behavioral Therapy : Desensitization.
  3. Psychoanalisa : Finding The Historical roots of The Symptom, tobe aware of the unawareness.
  4. Logotherapy : The meaning of suffering.
  5. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) : Control Your Eye, Control Your Emotion.
  6. Sedona Method : Let Go Your Pain.
  7. Ericksonian Hypnosis : Mild Trance to internalize suggestive words.
  8. Sugesty & Affirmation : Repetitive Empowering Words.
  9. Visualization : The Movie technique.
  10. Provocative Therapy : Dramatized your negative thought/feeling.
  11. Trancendental Relaxation & Meditation : Feel it, relax, trancend it.
  12. Gestalt Therapy : Experience your negative feeling/thought completely.
  13. Energy Therapy : Neutralized the distruption of body's energy system.
  14. Powerful Prayer : Faith, concentration, acceptance, Surrender, Grateful.

08 November 2008


Sejarah Singkat SEFT
By Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
The founder of SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique)
For LoGOS Institute - SEFT Total Solution Training

"The Cell is a machine driven by energy. It can thus be approached by studying matter, or by studying energy. In every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy"

"Sel-sel didalam tubuh kita digerakkan oleh energi. Sel-sel tersebut dapat kita pelajari dengan pendekatan materi atau pendekatan energi. Didalam setiap tradisi pengobatan klasik, penyembuhan dilakukan dengan pendekatan energi."

Pendapat ini disampaikan oleh :
Albert Szent Gyorgyi - Penerima Hadiah Nobel di Bidang Kedokteran

1. Akupuntur & Akupresur (Kedokteran Cina)

2. Chiropractic & Applied Kinesiology (Dr. George Goodheart)

3. Energy Psychology (Dr. John Diamond)

4. Tought Field Therapy (Dr. Roger Callahan)

5. Emotional Freedom Technique (Gary Craig)

6. EFT for PEAK PERFORMANCE (Steve Wells)

7. SEFT - Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin)


Komentar KH Abdullah Gymnastiar - (Kutipan pada BUKU SEFT terbitan Arga Publishing)


SEFT - Teknik yang Luarbiasa Bermanfaat
Alhamdulillah, perjumpaan saya dengan sahabat Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin insya'Allah telah membawa banyak berkah buat banyak orang. SEFT yang diperkenalkan saudara Faiz ini menurut pengalaman saya adalah teknik yang revolusioner dan sangat bermanfaat.

Saat pertama saya mengundang sahabat Ahmad Faiz untuk belajar SEFT, saya skeptis dan merasa agak janggal dengan teknik yang beliau kembangkan. Saya kok ragu bahwa dengan hanya mengethok (beliau mengganti istilah tapping dengan mengethok) beberapa titik di tubuh kita, maka berbagai gangguan fisik dan emosi bisa hilang dalam waktu relatif singkat. Tapi karena keinginan belajar saya sangat tinggi, saya bersedia mencobanya. Lagi pula saat itu, saya kebetulan sedang dikaruniai Alloh beberapa masalah yang mengkuatirkan saya selama beberapa bulan terakhir.

Saya sangat terkesan ketika sahabat Faiz langsung mencoba SEFT pada sakit punggung saya yang cedera setelah bermain badminton. Dalam waktu kurang dari 5 menit, punggung saya yang sangat sakit langsung membaik keadaannya hanya dengan 3 x putaran SEFT. Dan hari itu juga saya langsung mempraktekkan dengan cukup berhasil pada beberapa masalah.

Karena saya merasa teknik ini sangat bermanfaat, saya undang beliau untuk mengajarkan SEFT pada jajaran manajemen saya di Jakarta dan Bandung. Saya meminta beliau untuk memberikan training pada sekitar 1.000 orang santri Darut Tauhid, bahkan saya mengundangnya untuk malam bersama keluarga saya di Bandung dan mengajarkan SEFT pada istri da 7 anak kami.

Saya sendiri walaupun saat itu baru belajar SEFT, telah berhasil menerapkannya untuk berbagai masalah pada diri saya sendiri, keluarga, santri dan orang lain. Suatu hari, saya merasa kesal karena suatu hal. Padahal mau mengimami sholat, lalu saya lakukan SEFT, dan seketika rasa kesal itu hilang. Saat istri saya terserang migrain, saya tapping beberapa titik di tubuhnya dan Alhamdulillah, sakit kepalanya lenyap. Saat ada yang melapor terganggu mimpi buruk yang berulang ulang, saya lakukan SEFT padanya, dan mimpi buruk itu tidak datang lagi.

Kasus paling menarik adalah ketika saya lakukan SEFT pada santri saya yang phobia pada kecoa, dalam waktu kurang dari 5 menit, santri yang asalnya jika mendengar kata "Kecoa" langsung lari bersembunyi, menjadi hilang takutnya, bahkan akhirnya bermain main dengan kecoa karena sangat senang terbebas dari phobia.

Anda bisa membayangkan betapa bersyukurnya saya dikarunia Allah SWT ilmu SEFT ini. Mudah dipelajari, nyata, dan cepat hasilnya serta bisa diterapkan ke banyak kasus. Maka tidak heran jika sejak mempelajarinya, saya sering menceritakan metode SEFT ini di ceramah ceramah saya, di acara talk show radio, maupun pertemuan silaturahim dengan kawan-kawan maupun tokoh tokoh yang saya temui.

Saudara/saudariku, berdasarkan pengalaman saya pribadi saya berpendapat bahwa teknik SEFT ini sungguh sangat bermanfaat. Selain itu, yang membuat saya sangat senang untuk merekomendasikannya adalah karena SEFT bisa dipelajari banyak orang, mudah, efektif serta langsung dapat dirasakan manfaatnya dalam waktu yang relatif singkat, bisa diterapkan untuk hampir semua masalah, ILMIAH dan memperkaya pengalaman bathiniah SPIRITUALITAS kita.

Saya membayangkan jika banyak orang di negeri ini mau belajar dan mempraktekkan SEFT, baik untuk mengatasi berbagai masalah pribadinya maupun untuk menolong orang lain, maka bangsa yang sedang ditimpa banyak masalah ini akan sangat terbantu dan bisa kita harapkan untuk segera pulih dan bangkit mengejar ketertinggalannya.

Saya berdo'a, semoga Allah SWT memberkahi ilmu shabat saya ini, Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin dengan SEFT nya sehingga bisa bermanfaat sebesar-besarnya untuk sebanyak mungkin hamba Allah SWT. Semoga Allah SWT menemaninya di sepanjang perjalanan menebar Rahmatan lil 'alamin, serta mencurahkan cinta dan ridho-Nya kepada sayabat saya ini.

Akhir kata, saya sangat mengapresiasi misi hidup sahabat Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin, satu semboyan yang ia tuliskan di buku SEFT nya, "Life is LoGOS, The Rest is Just Detail". Saya jadi teringat pada misi hidup saya sendiri : "Menggapai Ridho dan Cinta Alloh, Memberikan Manfaat pada Banyak Orang dan Memperbaiki Diri Terus Menerus". Ternyata tanpa sengaja kami memiliki misi hidup yang sama ... Subhanalloh ....

Pesan saya, "Perbaiki diri dan berikan yang terbaik semata karena Allah SWT". Semoga Allah SWT menolong kita dalam mewujudkan misi hidup ini, dan kita dapat dengan ikhlas meninggalkan dunia yang fana ini dalam keadaan 'Khusnul Khotimah' setelah mampu meninggalkan warisan yang berharga untuk sebanyak mungkin umat manusia. 'La khaula wa laa Quwwata illa billah ...'

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.,

KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar
Pendiri Pesantren Daarut Tauhid - Bandung - Indonesia
Penggagas Konsep Manajemen Qolbu



(Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique)

Sebuah Teknik Ilmiah - Revolusioner -
Mudah - Cepat (5 - 25 menit) - Effektif,
Tidak Ada Efek Samping, dan Universal
The Founder of SEFT - Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin



Free: 32 SEFT in Action Videos
1. SEFT for overcoming various phobias
2. SEFT for stopping to smoke
3. SEFT covered in TV and other Mass Media
4. Social Service of SEFT Alumni
5. Short Words of Luminaries and Alumni

Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
Introduction by Ary Ginanjar Agustian

Overcoming Various Physical and Emotional Problems in 5-25 Minutes
Getting What We Want using the ‘Luck Factor and Deep SEFT’
Reaching ‘Total Success’ using the ‘Holistic Person Empowerment System’
Obtaining Peace of Mind using the ‘Personal Peace Procedure and LoGOS Relaxation’
Reaching Joy and Grace with the ‘Spirit: LoGOS Joyfully’

SEFT is a revolutionary scientific technique that you can easily and rapidly (5-25 minutes) use for:

Overcoming various Physical problems:
Headaches, backaches, ulcers, asthma, cardiac problems, obesity, allergies, etc.

Overcoming various Emotional problems:
Fears (phobias), trauma, depression, anxiety, cigarette addiction, stress, insomnia, irritability or melancholy, test or presentation jitters, tics, spirit possession, learning problems, low confidence, etc.

Overcoming various problems with Family and Children:
Family disharmony, extramarital affairs, sexual problems, near-divorce, naughty children, lazy children, bed-wetting children, etc.

Improving your Achievements:
Improving sports’ achievement, work achievement, academic achievement, increasing sales, smoothing out negotiations, reaching goals and targets.

Reaching success in life,
Improving peace of mind and happiness

“Energy Psychology is a new discipline that attracts a lot of attention due to its speed and effectiveness in handling difficult cases.”
Online review journal of the American Psychological Association

“In life, if you want to be successful and be the best, you should learn from the best and do your best.
If you want to learn healing methods using the SEFT technique, learn from the best. Who is the best? It is the developer and inventor, Mr. Ahmad Faiz Zainnudin.
Learn from the best, or you die like the rest.”
Tung Desem Waringin
Indonesia’s #1 Success Trainer according to SWA magazine

“Within less than 5 minutes, my very painful back directly took a turn for the better only with 3 rounds of SEFT. Out of curiosity I asked him to teach me more about SEFT. And on that very day, I directly practiced successfully against several troubles.”
Abdullah Gymnastiar
Founder of the Daarut Tauhid Pesantren, Bandung; Originator of Manajemen Qolbu (Management of the Mind and Spirit)

“This book offers a practical skill proven to help its practitioners greatly in various physical and emotional problems, in improving performance, while also helping to find peace of mind.”
Ary Ginanjar Agustiar
Founder of ESQ Leadership Center

“We took SEFT training to PT Timah (Persero), Tbk. (the state-managed company managing the production of lead in Indonesia) in order to improve the health of its employees, retirees, and their families. SEFT is a practical technique that heals oneself while helping one to heal others…apart from that, this technique can also be used to improve the performance and satisfaction of employees. This matches the objectives of SEFT training, which are: Healing + Success + Happiness + Greatness…”
R. Eko Purwantoro
Head of HR Planning and Development of PT Timah (Persero), Tbk.
(Alumnus of SEFT Total Solution Training, 24th Class)

SEFT© can handle problems such as: Fear, Trauma, Depression, Cigarette Addiction, Insomnia, Irritability, Study Problems, Lack of Confidence, Headaches, Ulcers, Obesity, Cardiac Problems, Stress. It can also Improve Academic Achievement, Sports Achievement, Business Achievements, and Family Harmony Easily and Very Rapidly.

Afzan Publishing
Jalan Delima Raya XI no. 5
Duren Sawit, East Jakarta
Indonesia 13460
Ph. (021) 50346953 (Contact : Yusuf)

Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin is a Bachelor of Psychology graduating from Airlangga University, Surabaya. He studied at the Master of Science (Human Resources Development) program of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He has been intently delving in the world of “Personal Development” in the last 15 years.

His hobbies are intently reading hundreds of self-development books; taking part in various courses, workshops and trainings in the country and abroad – among others the Training for Trainers at Prasetya Mulya Business School; ESQ Executive, 12th Class at the ESQ Leadership Center; English for Business at Melbourne University, Australia; GD-AJP at GIA Bangkok, Thailand; Hypnosis and Timeline Therapy in Kuala Lumpur.

He studied EFT and energy psychology under direct training by EFT for Peak Performance Expert Steve Wells (Australia), Founder of Body-Mind Integration Institute John Hartung (Colorado, USA), Head of the Energy Psychology Association for the Asia-Pacific Region Joseph Guan (Singapore), Primordial Energy Activation and Transcendence (PEAT) Expert Carol Saito (Italy), and by video course from the originator of EFT, Gary Craig (California, USA). He has also been studying the New Code of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) from Chris and Jules Collingwood (Sydney, Australia).

Since establishing the LoGOS Institute and developing SEFT in 2005, he has given over 100 seminars, workshops and trainings for college students, grade-school students, teachers, lecturers, victims of natural disasters, social volunteers, physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, other professionals and the general public with a total number of personal therapy clients and training participants of more than 12,000 people scattered in cities throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Hong Kong, and USA.

He is married to Maslita Vera Zainuddin and is blessed with a son, Muhammad Zendy Zainuddin, and a daughter, Zahra Zafira Zaenuddin.

His Life Motto and Mission is:
“Life is LoGOS (Loving God, blessing Others and Self Improvement) Joyfully. The rest is just details.”

“In order to overcome poverty in Indonesia, we don’t need to beg IMF for loans, or even need other foreign aids.
If just 10% of the wealthiest people in Indonesia are willing to set aside 20% of their income (NOT their net worth or asset), then there will be no more poor people in Indonesia from that year on.
H.S. Dillon, Kompas, Tuesday October 17th 2006

Life is LoGOS
Indonesia 2020 Free from Poverty

We (the writer and publisher) will Insya Allah donate a minimum of 20% of the net income of this book (as well as of the trainings performed by the author and the LoGOS Institute) for education and community empowerment efforts and to start the movement of
“Indonesia 2020 Free From Poverty:
Start with ME! NOW!”

Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique

By Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
The Totally Revised Lux Edition
First Printing

ISBN: 978-979-19028-0-1

Published by:
Afzan Publishing
Jalan Delima Raya XI no. 5
East Jakarta 13460 – Indonesia
Ph. 021-86605151 / 0818991915

The Names, Materials, and Training Methodology
• SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique)
• The HoPES (Holistic Person Empowerment System)
are the works of Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin and are protected by the Law of Intellectual Wealth Protection (UU Hak Kekayaan Intelektual)

I dedicate this book wholly for The Most Loving Beloved, Allah SWT, Who maintains His unending Knowledge for us to find and to use for the prosperity of mankind – and for us to love Him more.

Who has blessed me with two pairs of parents whom I truly respect, love, and whom I am very much proud of, the parents who have given me the two most important inheritances known to man:

“Roots and Wings”

Strong roots in the form of religious values and the bloodline of humanity’s warriors are left to my by my late parents, Daddy H. Anas Thohir Sjamsuddin, and Mummy Hj. Maryamah Mansur.

Strong wings in the form of prayers and full support in flying towards my dreams and life’s aspirations are given sincerely by both of my parents-in-law, Papa H. Moch. Masyhud and Mama Hj. Lismawaty.

Also to my beloved wife, Maslita Vera Zainuddin, and my dear children, Muhammad Zendy Zainuddin and Zahra Zafira Zainuddin, who encourage me to be a better man.

“Because you are my Love, my Allah…”

The first and foremost, naturally, is my gratitude and deepest thanks to Allah SWT, the Most Inspiring, who is also the only true Reason for writing this book. My Shalawat and Salam (Blessings and Prayerful Greetings) to His Prophet, who is a light in the path of the spiritual caravans of those who seek the approval of the Lord.

I am a family man. For me, whatever career success or social achievement that I have must begin by building a solid, cooperative, happy family that is useful to the ummat (flock) and gains the approval of Allah. This is why I am very thankful to my late parents, Daddy H. Anas Thohir Syamsuddin and Mummy Hj. Maryamah Mansur, who leaves us with the spirit of solidarity in our clan.

A great sense of thankfulness and gratitude I would also state to both of my beloved parents-in-law, Papa H. Moch. Masyhud and Mama Hj. Lismawaty, who accept their son-in-law the way he is and who entrust their daughter in my charge to be my life partner in this world and the next (Amen). Also to my brothers- and sisters-in-law Gery and Dewi, Randy and Gina, who encourage me into being a good elder brother by giving a good example.

My beloved wife Maslita Vera Zainuddin, my loyal best friend and beloved in times of sadness and joy. You are still the most beautiful thing in my heart, my Love. My son Muhamad Zendy Zainuddin and my daughter Zahra Zafira Zainuddin…may you one day be able to continue the mission of our family, my children – to love Him loyally, to be a blessing for your fellows, to return for a family reunion in Heaven some day, enveloped in the warmth of His love.

The Teachers who guide me in exploring the worlds of reason and conscience: Al-Khafidh K.H. Dahlan Basyuni, my grandfather and first spiritual guide; Ustadz Hamdani, who taught me to recite the Qur’an with all his heart; the late Ustadz Salim Bahreisy and his son, Ustadz Abdullah, who taught me how to understand Al Qur’an from the eyes of a Lover of Allah. I am truly indebted and thankful to all of you.

The Authors and Preachers who became my teacher indirectly. They are too many to mention, but among those whose thoughts influence me the most are Dr. Jalaluddin Rakhmat with his madzhab of Love; Stephen R. Covey with his Principle-Centered Life; Anthony Robbins, with his mind-blowing self-transformation technology and his amazing social works; Emha Ainun Najib, who taught me social sensitivity and the beauty of the Lord’s love; Aa’ Gym, with his extraordinary courtesy and business mind; and Mr. Ary Ginanjar with his ESQ – I thank you all very much.

Also a sincere thanks to Steve Wells (Australia), who personally introduced me to and trained me on how to perform EST correctly; Gary Craig (USA), the originator of EFT who generously shared his knowledge to me through his writings and video courses; John Hartung (USA) for sharing the breadth of his vision on energy psychology; Joseph Guan (Singapore), the Chairman of the Energy Psychology Association for the Asia-Pacific Region; and Carol Saito (Italy) who helped me to perfect this new science.

Thank you very much to my brothers and sisters: Neng Anis, Mas Arif, Neng Adha, Mas Ghozy, Yatik and Zudin who help each other very cooperatively. My brothers- and sisters-in-law: Mas Dadang, Mbak Evi, Cak Syarif, Mbak Ophie and Dik Agus. I deeply thank Mas Arif especially, who became our clan’s head after the death of our parents and who have given so much help to me in achieving my goals; and Cak Syarif, who helped a lot during the introduction stage of SEFT in my hometown of Surabaya.

The clans of Bani Syamsudin and Bani Mansyur, Pakde Munif, Paklik Najid, Paklik Muhammad, Ami Sholeh, Neng Jila, Ami Wahid, Ami Sa’af and Neng Bida – and their whole families, who in their own ways have became surrogate parents to us.

My best friends, who accompany me along the path of my spiritual, emotional, social, and intellectual journeys: Danny, an honest and sincere friend both in his support and critiques; Mirza, true friend in joy and sadness; Happy, who teaches me how to be orderly; Sahrul, who inspires simplicity; Hamid, an exemplar in perseverance and acceptance; and Mas Deky, the most patient and helpful of friends, and his very understanding wife Atri.

The alumni of LoGOS Community, the first organization that I founded during my college days, where I grew the seedlings of the Idea and Spirit of Loving God, Blessing Others, and Self-Improvement, especially the main exponents: Adi, Ninda, Margaretha, Ira, Ani, Bagus, Niken, and other friends whose names I’ve forgotten but whose faces remain in my heart. My best friends and assistants on the founding of the LoGOS Institute, Eko Nugroho and Dyah Lestari Agustini.

Also: Beng-beng (Iman’s daddy), who helped with the design and looks of this second edition. I am very much impressed with his sense of beauty and with his willingness to fly from Malang to Jakarta and stay up all night nearing the deadline of the script.

The lecturers of the College of Psychology of Unair (Airlangga University), who opened up my scientific vistas in the world of “The Complexities of Human Nature and Characteristics”, especially Mr. Ino, an egalitarian discussion mate; Ms. Dewi, my patient thesis advisor; supportive Ms. Veronica; Ms. Wulan, my understanding academic advisor; Mr. Fendy, Mr. Suryanto and Mr. Seger, the Dean Assistants who taught me Discipline; and Mbak Zulaikha and Mr. Endy, who introduced me to the world of Training.

The alumni of SEFT training who gave a lot of inspiration, criticisms, and inputs in developing the science and in practicing SEFT in the real world. I truly feel grateful and touched whenever I recall the participants of SEFT training shook my hand and hugged me with eyes filled with gratitude.

The people that I met along my life’s path, of whom it is impossible to mention all. Thank you for your help, teaching, understanding, generosity, and perhaps – even your secret prayers.

Great Individuals – great people throughout history who gave me inspiration and example on how to live meaningfully by leaving priceless inheritance for mankind, especially Mother Teresa, the one who took The Simple Path of Love; and Mahatma Gandhi, the father of a nation, the Great Soul who led by the example of ‘My Life is My Message’.

Finally, I say my thanks to all of you readers out there, who spare some time to peruse what I’ve written. May this book be of use to you.

May we be willing and able to live a dignified life in this world, and may we all meet again in the Grand Reunion in Heaven someday. Amen.
Life is LoGOS Joyfully – Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
What They Say…

It’s amazing – with simple movements and in such a short time, SEFT turns out to be able to handle various emotional problems. Thank you, SEFT.
M. Fauzi Makarim
Rector of IKAHA Tebuireng, Jombang

“Subhanallah!” That's my first word when I found out about the mysteries of the human biological and psychological structures through Spiritual EFT. I’m certain the methods of Spiritual EFT can help people to overcome their physical and psychological illnesses caused by the pressures of daily lives. May Allah help people who are willing to help others.
Prof. Dr. Moch. Ali Aziz
Professor Emeritus of IAIN Sunan Ampel. Surabaya

I’ve been a practitioner of EFT for 3 years now, and have avoided including the spiritual aspect into it. after having done Spiritual EFT (SEFT) with Ahmad Faiz, I’ve discovered that the Spiritual aspect is very important, as it provides a powerful dimension in the healing process.
Rodney Woulfe
Counselor, Singapore

I admire even more the greatness of God within mankind. His miracles prove that people can improve and repair themselves through the energy already found within themselves. And actually, SEFT is the gate that must be researched further to find the secret in controlling yourself is as easy as pushing a button. It’s the best – go for it!
Sofia Beatrix
Public Relations Manager

A surprising and eye-opening method. It’s simple, not painful, and rather fast compared to other models of therapy. An interesting method combining the healing arts of the East and the West.
Febri Hestama, S. Psi.
Outbound Trainer

I still find it unbelievable that now I no longer fear cockroaches. I can even hold them in my hand now. I’m sure that this technique is a miracle of Allah sent to fix some messed-up dimensions of my life. Fear of cockroaches is just one among the problems that make me unable to enjoy life. I hope this technique can be introduced to everyone, so they can feel its benefits. Also, so they can feel its miracle, so we’d never stop being grateful to Allah SWT and never stop asking, “How is that possible?” Thank you, Spiritual EFT – and your originators.
Norman Wijayanto
College Student

Now I know how to get rid of the phobias and traumas that I’ve been facing. Apart from that, I can now use SEFT for the people around me who’s got problems.
Reni Ika Ratna Sari
College Student

A book worthy to be read by all parts of society, because apart from its simple language, the book gives you practical skills to heal your physical and emotional problems. I’ve practiced SEFT on myself, my children, my family, even the victims of the Jogja earthquake.
Lilis Harsoyo
Chairwoman of the Indonesian Firewalk Instructor Association

There are lots of benefits that we can practice on ourselves, our families, and our patients. In the future, we want to form a SEFT jama’ah (community) to keep the routines up and for sharing with one another.
Dr. Wiwik Adnan, MARS
Doctor, RSI Masytoh – Pasuruan

After joining SEFT training, this method turns out to be very good and easy to practice – even to teach to others. It is very beneficial for one’s health and work achievement.
AKBP Drs. Totok Haryoto

On observing, I found that SEFt is a method that can be used to increase a person’s Spiritual Quotient (SQ), so s/he can integrate him/herself with a Divine love that allows people to become happier, more certain in life, and not get stressed easily. Psychologically. SEFT can be understood as a method to manage the subconscious potential systematically, so it can be used for multiple purposes in improving the prosperity of the soul and the health of the body. We would truly appreciate and support it if SEFT is widespread and developed in the scientific corridor.
E.M. Agus Subekti D.
Psychologist, Chairman of the Association of Indonesia’s Psychologists,
the East Java region

Surrendering to God is a powerful shift of responsibility from self to The Divine. I believe this ultimate trust will result in the desired change.
Ritta Haq
EFT Practitioner, Singapore

SEFT is very good and useful for lots of people.
Ateng Kusnadi
President Commissioner, Ahad NET

After graduation from UGM (Gadjah Mada University)’s post-graduate clinical major, I often apply various psychotherapeutic approaches that match the client’s problems. However, it is after studying SEFT briefly that I have high hopes that many people can be helped in a simple, easy, and inexpensive way from the many psychological problems that beset them.
Thank you very much to the originators of SEFT – I am much encouraged to infect as many people as possible with this knowledge.
Ratna Eliyawati, M.Si.
Educative Staff of the College of Psychology of the Tarumanegara University and
Columnist of Child Development in Nurani Tabloid
The studies related with the science of Energy Psychology happen to actually be in line with the teachings of dzikir (reciting God’s name), taqwa (faith) and tawakkal (patience). May the originators of Spiritual EFT can explore deeper the spiritual spring that can be combined with modern sciences in the future.
Dr. H. M. Romly Arief
Chairman of the Hasyim Asy’ari University Foundation, Jombang

Subhanallah (Grace of Allah)! With SEFT, Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) my husband stopped smoking with just one therapy session; my child’s acute ulcers, marked with prolonged flatulence every morning and afternoon stopped with two therapy sessions; and another child’s fear of his bullying friend has also disappeared. The melancholy of my nephew (or niece?), a victim of divorce, has gone, along with various physical diseases in its wake. Coming home from the training, I never bought any kind of medicine anymore – the whole house simply looks for me to heal whatever ailment they have.
Dra. Yuli Suliswidyawati, M. Psi.
Secretary of the Development Psychology Association of Indonesia, West Java

The amazing experience (in the SEFT Training) can be applied for oneself and in helping others. The SEFT method is easily practicable with visible results. And most importantly, my iman (faith) and khusyu’ (focus) are now increased.
Iwan Barli Nirwandi
Alternative Healing Therapist

I’ve a broad experience with several techniques of energy psychology. I’ve learnt, practiced, and used it in my training since 8 years ago. But when I learned SEFT from Mr. Ahmad Faiz and tried it on my own problems, I can feel that it’s amazing. I think the power of SEFT is in allowing God to take care of our problems. Thank you, Faiz.
Niale McLoughlin
Corporate Trainer, Singapore

I was surprised that the pain I’ve got after injury in my training wasn’t there anymore after Mr. Ahmad Faiz treated me with SEFT. I never even noticed when it’s off. I just wanted to give it a try at first, but IT WORKS!
Jay Suman
2nd-Dan Black Belt Tae Kwon Do Instructor, Malaysia
Malaysia’s National Best Athlete, 2002 & 2003

Following the footsteps of my seniors in practicing energy psychology, I’d like to impart some important messages to you:

SEFT and other Energy Psychology practices have been practiced by more than 100,000 people throughout the world with nearly no complaints of side effects. Even though in practice SEFT has been reported to be highly effective, but there is still a possibility that SEFT will be unable to solve your problem. This means that you need to learn more, or to ask the help of an experienced professional.

There is nearly no harmful side effects that have ever occurred, because the SEFT method has been tested very safe. However, if something negative happens to you after you did SEFT, you had better consult a professional or contact the author of this book.

This book is only meant as an educative tool, not as a form of therapy. In order to master SEFT properly and effectively, special training or consultation with its experts is often needed. The results and impacts of SEFT user is ultimately the personal responsibility of its users. If you find any misuse of SEFT techniques by irresponsible people, please contact the author at www.LoGOS.co.id

Love and Respect,
Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
Founder of the LoGOS Institute®
Originator of SEFT® and HoPES®

Ary Ginanjar Agustian

I’ve known the author of this book, Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin, when we first introduce ESQ to the Singaporean and Malaysian public. At the time, we managed to have dinner together in a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur. Brother Faiz sat directly in front of me and gave me a vision from the point of view of the ‘Training Evaluation’ science (the field he was delving in when he was doing his Master of HRD’s studies in Malaysia) – how ESQ training is different from other trainings, and why ESQ training can be accepted by so many people. At that time, I offered him to be an ESQ trainer.

When I read books by alumni of ESQ training, I feel impressed and grateful because there are starting to be many ESQ alumni who contribute their thoughts and genuine works to encourage the realization of the vision of a Golden Indonesia.

This book offers practical skills that are proven to have helped many of its practitioners in overcoming various physical and emotional problems, improving performance and achievement, and helping to find peace of mind.

This unique technique originated in Chinese healing arts, which are developed by Western experts, and finally perfected by Ahmad Faiz by adding the spiritual element. According to his experiences, it is actually the element of spirituality that makes the techniques of energy psychology become more powerful than ever. I become more convinced and I accumulate even more proof every day that this century is the spiritual century.

The contents of this book are informative, great to read, rich in practical examples, and are directly practicable. I agree with the author's statement that ESQ and SEFT complete each other – ESQ tries to give spiritual and emotional enlightenment, while SEFT gives practical skills that we can use at once to handle various problems using the emotional-spiritual and energy psychology approaches.

I am impressed with the author’s motto: “Life is LoGOS. The rest is just details.” Life is basically in order to achieve Divine love, to give benefit to our fellows, and to improve ourselves continually. I think this is a beautiful statement – and it’s also in line with the spirit of ESQ Way 165.

I absolutely support the vision of “Indonesia 2020 Free from Poverty”. Cap’s off to the author and publisher for being exemplary by giving 20% of the income of this book to start off the realization of this great vision. I’m sure that if we support this movement together, in all sincerity and optimism, then it would be much easier to achieve the vision of Golden Indonesia 2020.

I congratulate this author. May SEFT be able to reach even more people and be a solution for the many problems this nation faces. Fight well and continue to fight hard, o Knight of 165. May Allah guides and blesses our steps always, and may this deed gives great benefits to our flock and nation.

Ary Ginanjar Agustian
Founder of ESQ Leadership Center

Abdullah Gymnastiar

SEFT: An Amazingly Beneficial Technique

Alhamdulillah – my meeting with friend Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin has brought many blessings for many people. According to my experiences, this SEFT technique introduced by brother Faiz is a revolutionary and highly beneficial technique.

When I first invited friend Ahmad Faiz to teach about SEFT, I was skeptical and felt a bit odd with the technique that he developed. I felt kinda doubtful that just by tapping several points in our body, various physical and emotional problems can disappear in a relatively short time. However, because I have a high desire to learn, I was willing to try. Besides, as it happens Allah has blessed me with some troubles that worried me for the last several months.

I was very impressed when friend Faiz directly tried SEFT on my back that was hurt after playing badminton. Within less than 5 minutes, my very painful back instantly improved only with 3 rounds of SEFT. Because I got curious, I asked him to teach me more about SEFT. And on that very day, I immediately practiced it rather successfully on several problems.

Because I feel that this technique is very beneficial, I invited him to teach SEFT to my management in Jakarta and Bandung. I asked him to train about 1,000 Darut Tauhid santris (boarding students of an Islamic school), and I even invited him to have dinner with my family in Bandung and teach SEFT to my wives and 7 children.

As for me, even though I just studied SEFT at the time, I have succeeded in applying it for various problems that I have, that my family, santris and other faced. One day I was annoyed because of something, and I was about to be imam (the leader of prayer) of the sholat (daily prayer of a Muslim). I did SEFT, and the annoyance disappeared immediately. When my wife had migraine, I tapped several spots on her body and her headache disappeared. When somebody reported to me of repeated nightmares, I did SEFT on him and the dream didn’t return. The most interesting case was when I did SEFT on a santri of mine who has a phobia of cockroaches. Within less than 5 minutes, the santri, who used to run and hide when he even heard the word ‘roach’ because of how much he feared it, lost his fear. He even started to play with roaches nowadays because he’s so happy he’s released from his phobia.

You can imagine my gratitude that Allah should bless me with this knowledge – a knowledge quickly and easily learned, with real and quick results, and applicable in many cases. So it is no wonder that since I learned it, I often talk about SEFT in my sermons, in radio talk shows, or in silaturrahim (maintaining social relations with family and friends) meetings that I have with my friends and certain personages.

Dear Readers, based on my experiences, this technique is very useful. Apart from that, what makes me really keen to recommendate SEFT for everyone to learn is that because the technique is easy to learn, the effectiveness can be felt in a short time, it is applicable to practically all problems, it is SCIENTIFIC, and it enriches our spirituality.

I imagine if many people in this country are willing to learn and practice SEFT – either to solve their own problems or to help other people – then this besieged nation will be very much helped and we can expect it to recover from its ills and catch up with what it’s missing.

I pray that Allah bless this knowledge of my friend so that it can be of the most beneficial for as many of Allah’s servants as possible. May Allah accompany him throughout his journey, spreads out rahmatan lil’alamin (blessing for the world), and pours out His love and ridho (approval) to my friend here.

In the end, I truly appreciate the life mission of friend Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin – the motto he repeatedly wrote in this book: “Life is LoGOS. The rest is just details.” It reminds me of my own life mission: “To achieve the ridho and love of Allah, to give benefit to as many people as possible, and to improve myself continuously.” So we inadvertently have the same life mission – Subhanallah…

My message is: “Improve yourselves and give your best only because of Allah.” May Allah save us in realising this life mission, and may we be able to leave this mortal world in a state of khusnul khatimah (a good and peaceful end), having left valuable inheritance for mankind. Laa khaula wa laa quwwata illa billah…

K.H. Abdullah Gymnastiar
Founder of the Daarut Tauhid Pesantren, Bandung,
Originator of the Qolbu Management Concept

A Word from the Author

The first time I known this spectacular technique, I felt what most of you would have felt: skeptical, reluctant, doubtful, and disbelieving. But I still do it anyway, even though I was filled with doubts and I felt like a fool. The amazing thing is: EFT was still effective even though I didn’t believe in it.

At the time, I was carrying out my Master of Science studies in Human Resource Development at University Teknologi Malaysia. A renowned Hypnotherapy master from America, Calvin Banyan, sent me an e-mail saying that Steve Wells, an EFT expert from Australia was giving a 3-day workshop in Singapore for the first time, “So why don’t you give it a try?” advised Cal Banyan. So I came to the workshop held in the National University of Singapore Society.

The facilitator, Steve Wells – a registered psychotherapist from Perth, Australia – doesn’t theorize much. He said, “There are 6 theories that based the reason why EFT is effective, but they won’t satisfy you anyway – because they are very different from your assumptions about what is ‘normal’, ‘natural’, and ‘scientific’ in psychotherapy (or self-development), so let’s just practice it directly to experience its effectiveness at once.” And so he started to demonstrate those ‘funny moves’.

During the 3 days, I met participants from England, Ireland, India, and Singapore. Most of them were highly experienced with various techniques of psychotherapy, counseling, training and self-development. Strangely, nearly all had amazing and different results from what they have experienced so far.

Granville D’Sauza is a USA-certified trainer’s trainer in emotional intelligence who said to me, “This technique is so simple and powerful – I use it on myself and with many clients, and it really works.” It turned out that he had participated in one of Steve Wells’ workshops in Australia – and during that workshop, he lost his perennial sinusitis immediately. From then on, he used EFT in both his personal and professional lives with amazing results. I lost a slight bit of my doubts then.

Rodney Woulfe is another participant who is intimate with the usage of EFT in his Couching and Counselling practice, and in an one-on-one practice session with me he said something similar to what Granville did.

An Irish participant (currently living in Singapore), Niale Mc Loughlin – a corporate trainer who has given several trainings for hotel management in Surabaya and Bali – was very excited when he found out that I was from Surabaya. He told a lot of stories on how EFT really helped him in practicing as a trainer and in his personal life.

We also had K.R. Thandavan, a software consultant from India; Joe-Nathan Lourdes, an eccentric hypnotist; Zainal Abidin Rahman, a Certified NLP Trainer living in Singapore; Geetu Bharwaney from Emotional Intelligence World, Bedfordshire, England; Ruth Lai Choi Ling, the Human Resources Manager of the National University of Singapore; and the participant who started out as the most skeptical but totally changed her tune when the workshop is over, Amy Daniel, Ph. D. There were also several participants whose names I don’t remember.

I wondered why these people, who were mostly familiar with EFT, still appear as participants in this admittedly costly workshop. When asked in the forum, they mostly gave a similar reply: “I want to learn directly from The Master.” So despite the remaining doubts left, I tried it.

Returning to Malaysia from Singapore, I kept on practicing EFT. I studied more of its materials, especially the videos of EFT founder Gary Craig who described real cases live: how he, in minutes (5-25 minutes), healed claustrophobia, chocolate addiction, cigarette addiction, fear of rats, fear of speaking in public, children who bite their nails, shoulder and back pains, sexual harassment and rape trauma, and even dyslexia, insomnia, and PSTD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) on veterans of the Vietnam war whom conventional psychotherapists and psychiatrists failed to heal in decades of exhausting and expensive therapies.

One interesting experience was the fact that when I was in the UTM campus in Malaysia, I used to go to the mosque 1.5 hours before subuh (dawn prayers) time on a bicycle through a dark, quiet and eerie place that even caused my hackles to rise. I usually dealt with this scared and crept out feeling by pedalling my bike madly – without looking to the left or right, no matter what may happen. After practicing EFT (with its highly improbable moves) on my bike, I strangely became relaxed and enjoyed the scenery on my right and left without the slightest bit of fear or creepiness (without forcing bravado). In the end, I truly believe – like most people who experienced it for themselves – that EFT is effective.

When writing this book, sometimes I woke up feeling not so good. I practiced EFT then. Within 2 rounds, the uncomfortable feeling usually disappeared. Sometimes when writing, the back of my head felt heavy and pulsating. Again, I did EFT, and the pain, if not wholly gone, at least got much reduced, and I could get back to my writing.

Propelled by a burning desire to share this new knowledge as soon as I possibly could, I decided to return to Indonesia for 2 weeks. I flew directly to my hometown, Surabaya. There, I was immediately welcomed by ‘problematic’ people. So for 3 days in a row, morning till evening, I made my rounds to my relatives and friends to EFT those who had problems.

It was during my initial practice in Surabaya that I developed what I call Spiritual EFT (hereafter referred to as ‘SEFT’). One creative modification combining EFT power with Spiritual power. Alhamdulillah, many people have succeeded in handling their problems rapidly by applying SEFT here.

My brother-in-law [or was it sister? – Translator], who directly saw the power of SEFT, also got fired up. In the next 4 days, with his/her help, (s/he all of a sudden became my event organiser), I went on a road show to share this new knowledge.

The first day, I taught SEFT at IKAHA Jombang, attended by the Rector, the Chairman of the Foundation, the lecturers, and the leaders of IKAHA. The next day, I introduced SEFT in the Faculty of Sermons of IAIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, attended by students, lecturers, and the leaders of the faculty. The welcome speech from the Dean of the Faculty of Sermons – Prof. Dr. Moch. Ali Aziz – stating the desire that the workshop is followed through with trainings, truly added to my spirits.

In the third day, I took a 4-hour trip from Surabaya to the town of Jember to fulfil an invitation from STAIN Jember. On the fourth day, I introduced SEFT to my alma mater, the Faculty of Psychology of Unair. During dinner, an official of Polda Jatim (Regional Police of East Java) invited me to present SEFT at the Polda Jatim compound, but as my schedule was full that time, I had to take a rain check on it. It was an exhausting and truly exhilarating 4 days.

So from then on, I performed a series of seminars, workshops, and trainings with rather a numerous frequency. I teach this technique to people from toddlers to elderlies; from illiterate grannies to doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists; from stressed-out unemployed to professionals interested in improving their performance. And Alhamdulillah – up to now SEFT is proven to be effective and efficient in solving various physical and emotional problems. Even now I’m still amazed with the speed and efficacy of SEFT here.

I do not claim that SEFT works for everyone (there is no single drug or therapy that works on everyone). However, based on the experiences of many, SEFT has given amazing results. I hope all of you are willing to try it sincerely and benefit from it as well. Have fun trying…I hope it would do you some good. May we be able to meet in person and share experiences someday.

With much Love and Respect,
Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin

Introduction to the Revised Edition

Time flies. Without realising it, 1 year has passed from the first time I introduced SEFT in Indonesia on December 17th 2005. Throughout this year I’ve given more than 65 personal consultations, seminars, workshops and trainings to about 1,700 people in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. I am grateful that the success rate of SEFT so far is about 95%.

Nearly in every event we have members of the audience become surprised because the physical or emotional problems that have been dogging them for years suddenly disappeared after doing SEFT for 5-25 minutes.

Among the cases that I have successfully handled were: a college student who never managed to eat rice in 18 years, a gentleman with irregular heartbeat, a college student who feared caterpillars and cockroaches, a psychologist with a phobia of eggs and seeds, cat phobias, stress from being dumped, headaches, migraines, neck pains, back aches, menstruation pains, morning sickness, a pregnant lady suffering from hallucinations and obsessive compulsive disorder, insomniac children, foot sprains, a 3.5-year-old toddler addicted to cigarettes, post-(natural) disaster traumas, employees with low motivation, and even a husband who had an extramarital affair (this last case perpetrated by one of my students and it even got published in Kompas cybermedia), and many other cases.

Along with the larger number of trainings that I did, the more input that I received and the more variable the cases that I handled, I felt the need to revise the first edition of the SEFT manual. This is because there is so much new information that I need to put in. So, in this revised edition, you will find the following new things:
• The diagram of the meridian energy path with their acupuncture points.
• A simpler, more effective SEFT technique.
• SEFT for children.
• Long-distance SEFT (surrogate SEFT).
• SEFT to improve performance (at school, at work, and even in sports and arts).
• SEFT to increase peace of mind.
• A bit about The Holistic Person Empowerment Sysetm (The HoPES)® and the LoGOS Vision as the conceptual framework in achieving the ultimate success and happiness.
• Clippings about SEFT in various mass media.
• Bonus: SEFT Tutorial and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Actually, I was tempted to write more, with a deeper, more scientific explanation about the theories of Energy Psychology and the latest researches on the impact of prayer and spirituality in healing. I myself have delved in the world of spirituality and psychology – all in the philosophical, theoretical, and practical aspects within the last 10 years – so actually there is much to say here. However, I cancelled that intention because the input of the readers of the first edition of SEFT asks that the book maintains its simplicity and practicality.

So I apologise to my academician readers who are used to think in a tortuous and complicated way if the book fails to slake the thirst of your scientific mind. You may learn more about the scientific data that forms the base of SEFT in the websites I will mention in this book. And for those of you who love simplicity, practicality, and are result-oriented…this book is written especially for you.

Apart from that, as you can see, the revised edition has a slicker look and it is published by my alma mater, ESQ Leadership Center, with its Arga Publisher. And what makes me even happier, Mr. Ary Ginanjar Agustian agreed to write the Introduction.

One of the most important things that I want to do along with publishing this revised edition of SEFT manual is to start the “Indonesia 2020 Free From Poverty: Start with ME! NOW!” movement. Some of my friends feel that this is an utopiac thing. An important personage even called it a ‘Mission Impossible’. A close friend of mine even fears that this movement would speed up the coming of Judgment Day, referring to a hadist (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) that basically says that “One of the indications that Judgment Day is coming is that there will no longer be anyone who accepts charity (meaning there will be no more poverty).

I responded with a joke, with the logics of a commoner: it would be all right if this movement speeds up the coming of Judgment Day – at least we’re doing it the nice way. “The sooner Judgment Day comes, with the higher number of people entering Heaven”…I think that's not a bad thing after all.

Is this utopiac then? I think not. Even tomorrow this can be realised if there is a mass realisation in 20% of the richest people in Indonesia. Our duty is to trigger this mass realisation. And my duty (even though I'm not yet one of the richest 20% people in Indonesia), is to start it from myself – NOW!

You can also support this movement the same way (giving up 20% of your income for any charity that you like, especially those which empower and free others from poverty ).

If you decided to commit yourselves to supporting this movement (even though you’re not rich yet), please put up this logo:


on any product you create, on the windshield of your car, or anywhere you like. Doing this doesn’t mean that you are showing off, ‘ujub (doing something good in public merely to have people praise one, instead of just doing it for its sake), or insincere, but to encourage others to do the same.

The guarantee of Allah SWT: if you apply this principle of the multiplying effect of sharing, especially if you are still poor, it would be much easier for you to be rich physically and spiritually, and to increase your existing wealth in both. May Allah bless you and give you ridho, and may you participate. Amen.

Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin

Introduction to the Totally Revised Edition

I wrote this introduction on Monday, the Eve of ‘Idul Adha, Dzul Hijjah 10th, 1429 H, coinciding with the date 8th December 2008, 3 a.m. WIB. This means it’s been nearly 3 years since I officially introduced SEFT in Indonesia – December 17th, 2005. During this time, I’ve given SEFT therapies, workshops and trainings to about 12,000 people scattered in several cities in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and Hong Kong.

I usually teach SEFT routinely at least twice a month in the ‘SEFT Total Solution Training’ program for the public. Outside of the public, I also teach in-house SEFT training to companies, among others BNI, Bank Indonesia, BTN, PT Timah, Polda Bangka Belitung, Polda Jatim, WIKA, and many others.

In my training, I no longer just teach SEFT for healing, but much more comprehensively: integrated in the format of ‘SEFT Total Solution for Healing + Success + Happiness + Greatness’. This is why this SEFT manual is no longer titled ‘SEFT: The Quickest Way to Overcome Physical and Emotional Problems’, but is now titled ‘SEFT: Total Solution for Healing + Success + Happiness + Greatness’.

That's why I expanded the material for this SEFT manual. It now focuses not only on the application of SEFT for healing, but also for the application of SEFT for success, happiness, and greatness. You will find the following several changes and additions in the Totally Revised Edition:
• I’ve taken over the publishing of this book myself (with the encouragement and approval of the publishing house of my teacher and best friend, Mr. Ary Ginanjar Agustian with his ESQ and Arga Publishing).
• The book is designed to be larger, thicker, and more artistic, with significant addition in the materials.
• We have a Bonus DVD containing videos of SEFT coverage in various television media, examples of handling cases using SEFT, some words from the personages and participants of SEFT training, coverage of some community service events of SEFT (on accepting the MURI (Record Museum of Indonesia) award for the most people participating in quitting to smoke therapy – 1,400 people, SEFT in the Cipinang Prison for drug-related prisoners, SEFT at LIPONSOS, etc).
• Materials added include:
− Into the framework of SEFT Total Solution for Healing + Success + Happiness + Greatness.
− SEFT for Healing for emotional problems: The Real Cure of Phobia, Trio for Traumas (tearless trauma technique, the movie technique, and tell the story technique).
− Revisions to the SEFT technique for allergies.
− The difference between SEFT and EFT.
− 14 therapies involved in SEFT that makes SEFT very simple but powerful.
− Variations in the set-up sentences.
− 5 keys to SEFT success.
− 11 obstacles of SEFT success and how to handle them.
− 3 functions of diseases and pains.
− 10 principles of answered prayers.
− 5 steps to improve SEFT mastery.
− 3 positive side effects of SEFT.
− The basis of Surrogate SEFT (SEFT at a distance).
− SEFT for Success: Deep SEFT and LoGOS relaxation.
− 5 principles to improve the Luck Factor.
− Revisions and deeper discussion of ‘The Holistic Person Empowerment System’.
− Enrichment of SEFT materials for children.
− Appendix: SEFT enrichment in Mass Media.
− Appendix: About the SEFT Total Solution for Healing + Success + Happiness + Greatness Training.
− Appendix: Proposal for SEFT In-house Training.

I and the designer of this book worked hard to enrich and beautify this book, with the hope that you would enjoy and benefit more from it.

In the end, I hope that one day I may be able to meet you personally to share this revolutionary technique more completely, and together we will enact the healing revolution and prosperity revolution towards Indonesia Free from the 7 Poverties 2020.

LoGOS Joyfully always,
Ahmad Faiz Zainuddin

Information : 0818991915 or 08881955101