18 Desember 2008

Three Generation of Medicine

Three Generation of Medicine
By ahmad Faiz Zainuddin
The Founder of SEFT (Spiritual emotional Freedom Technique)
For LoGOS Institute - SEFT Total Solution

Era-1 : Body centered medicine
Era-2 : The importance of Mind-Body connection in Medicine
Era-3 : Thoughts, attitudes, prayer and healing intentions of one individual can influence
the physiology of another person

“doa dan spiritualitas, terbukti dalam penelitian ilmiah, ternyata memiliki kekuatan yang sama besar dengan pengobatan dan pembedahan”
(Larry Dossey, MD)

The Healing Words:
The Power of Prayer and Practice of Medicine
Book by Larry Dossey,MD

Sejak dipublikasikan pada tahun 1994, satu mata kuliah baru “The Role of Prayer & Religiosity in Medicine” diajarkan di 80 universitas di Amerika

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